- NEW: Embed chat rooms into third party websites
- NEW: Integrate ChatNet with WordPress websites (WordPress Plug-in Required)
- NEW: Integrate ChatNet with third party websites users (Custom Work Required)
- NEW: Option to report/flag chats, users and rooms and a panel review them
- NEW: Language specific Google Fonts
- NEW: Options to disable/enable direct messages, room messages and chat list sidebar for chat rooms
- NEW: Option to enable chats only with selected user roles (Admins/Moderators/Room Creator/Room Moderators/Members/Guest) for chat rooms
- NEW: Option to enable chats only with linked users in third party sites for chat rooms
- NEW: Send code segments with syntax highlighting
- NEW: Domain filter for prevent spam link sharing
- NEW: Chat Flood Control to prevent users from spamming
- NEW: Room specific chat room background images
- NEW: Room specific advertisement sections
- NEW: Room specific chat room notice message
- NEW: In-browser toast notifications and sound for chats
- NEW: Option to enable public view for chat rooms (see the chat room without joining)
- NEW: Start Private Chat option in room chats
- NEW: Deactivate Account option
- NEW: Leave Room option
- NEW: Option to clear all chats in a conversation
- NEW: Light Theme
- NEW: Boxed Layout
- IMPROVEMENT: Separated translations panels for Front-end and Back-end in Translation Manager
- IMPROVEMENT: Option to delete uploaded logos and other images and set it back to default in admin panel.
- IMPROVEMENT: Improved chat options dropdown
- IMPROVEMENT: DM notifications unread count
- IMPROVEMENT: Uploaded files can now download with the original name
- FIX: Fixed an issue where users list not showing in forward dialog
- FIX: Persistent user typing indicator fixed
- FIX: Fixed an issue where letter avatars not showing for non English names