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Feature Requests

List of improvements to integrate
Here is a list of my improvements to integrate, each with a short explanation : Reorganize the project following MVC (or a clean structure) o Why? Separating responsibilities (Controllers, Models, Views) makes the code more readable and maintainable. Refactor controllers o Why? Splitting large methods into smaller private methods and avoiding deep if nesting improves clarity and testability. Use a dedicated router (AltoRouter, FastRoute, etc.) o Why? Avoid manually handling $_GET; a routing library streamlines route definitions and maintenance. Adopt PSR-4 for autoloading & PSR-12 for coding style o Why? Adhering to standards ensures consistent structure, better teamwork, and easier integration with tools (linters, IDEs). Centralize configuration o Why? Keep logic and parameters (DB credentials, API keys, etc.) separate; simplifies environment management (dev/staging/production) and boosts security. Separate frontend assets in a public/ folder o Why? Clearly isolate CSS, JS, media, and prevent direct access to sensitive code outside the public directory. Validate and escape all user inputs o Why? Prevent XSS and SQL injection attacks. o How? Use prepared statements (PDO) for queries, htmlspecialchars() for output, and a centralized validation library (Valitron, Respect\Validation, etc.). Implement CSRF protection o Why? Block malicious attempts to make a user perform unwanted actions (Cross-Site Request Forgery). o How? Generate a session-based token, add it to forms, and verify on submission. Control or sanitize redirects o Why? Avoid Open Redirect vulnerabilities by only allowing safe, expected URLs. Optimize database queries o Why? Improve performance and reduce load. o How? Add indexes on frequently used columns, reduce repeated queries (cache some data in sessions or memory). Factor out common code o Why? Avoid duplication (e.g., reCAPTCHA checks, Twig rendering). Centralize this logic into helper methods or services. Use a proper templating structure (Twig, Blade, etc.) o Why? Create reusable layouts (header, footer) and specific templates for each page or section. o How? Organize them in separate folders (templates/admin/, templates/auth/, etc.). Secure and isolate the installer/ folder o Why? Installation/upgrade scripts should not be publicly accessible in production. o How? Restrict access (via .htaccess or server config) or remove the folder after setup. These improvements will make your application more secure, performant, and maintainable.
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